How Successful Black Women Have Navigated Entrepreneurship


It was so good to get on this episode of Business Innovators with Lisa Williams.  For those of you who don’t know her, Lisa is a best-selling author and contributor to USA Today and CNN.  Here we talk about the growing number of black women in business and how they can maximize their success.  We talk about hurdles black entrepreneurs face, Jessica Alba and the importance of role models and mentors.

I also talk about my process of how I won scholarships that paid for my entire college career and kept my mom from worrying.  I talk about how I got started in business and how financial literacy can improve your love life and reduce stress.  I also really get into details of how I help small to mid-sized businesses build wealth and be more efficient through mindfulness and budgeting.  Listen to the full episode below and check out more of Lisa Williams and Business Innovators here.