Have you reset lately? Reflections from California.

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Have you reset this year?

Have you spent some time away from your usual hustle and bustle to evaluate where you are in life?If not, it may be worth while to do so.

I'm sitting on the plane on my way back from Los Angeles feeling a strong sense of calmness and renewed vision. 

Of course the trip turned out nothing like I planned, but it always goes that way. So I wasn't even concerned.

I originally planned to go to LA with Ariane of Love and Hip Hop to debut her Melanin Queen t-shirt line at the Amber Rose Slut Walk. As things go, logistics weren't in order so the original plan was discarded the night before my trip.

So at 8pm on Thursday night, I thought about my dilemma. On one hand, I had a plane ticket that was already paid for. But on the other hand, I could stay at home and get some much needed work done. I quickly assessed that I could possibly crash with my brother in Redondo Beach and possibly see my two best friends from college if I still went to LA as planned.

So the night before my scheduled flight, I called my brother to see if I could crash with him from the weekend and texted my two friends to inquire if they'd be available. My brother said that he wanted to see me, so at that point the trip was a go.

During my time there, I went to my favorite Mexican restaurant near LAX and ended up catching up with my brother. This weekend was the most talkative that's he's ever been in my recent memory. He doesn't like to talk on the phone, so our conversations between Atlanta and LA are typically surface at best. 

But when I arrived, to my surprise, the he started going on about his career, the latest news on the schools for his daughters, and how we can better manage communication within our small family. It was great.

I ended up spending time oscillating between creating new projects for The Wealthy Yogi and singing, dancing, and playing games with my nieces. The beauty and innocence of children is magnetic.

Right before it was time for me to leave, I remembered that I hadn't set foot on the beach yet. I asked my brother if I could breathe in the ocean air before before he dropped me off at the airport. Luckily, he lives only 10 minutes from the beach so this wish was easy to manifest.

Being from California and growing up so close to the beach always makes me forget about the magic of the ocean. I always want to be near it on vacation, but the inescapable awe vanishes from my memory during the day to day life. So, this experience was pure icing on my weekend.

As we sat on the beach, my brother told me about how he likes to ride his bike from Manhattan Beach to Malibu. It's only a 60 mile trip he says. I immediately daydream and still cannot see myself going on that trek. But, It was nice to imagine.

After all of this, I was ready to go home. I felt refreshed, reset and totally me. 

This reset made the following clear:

  •  I'm on my chosen path
  • My life is a manifestation of my wishes, goals and desires
  • I am enough just the way that I am

I hope you have had a similar experience recently. An experience that makes you feel centered and more life yourself. If not, I dare you to do the thing that is necessary.

Enjoy your Monday!

Roshawnna, The Wealthy Yogi

Business Coach for Financially Mindful Entrepreneurs
Founder, Novellus Financial
Co-Founder, Bootstrap Capital

P.S. Iā€™m currently booking speaking engagements for corporations, educational institutions, and corporate groups for this fall. If your company, organization or group has workshops about the synergy of technology, finance and mindfulness, please contact me. Go Here for Speaking Information